Theory: Intro to grains and flour
Practical: Introduction to pizza equipment needed for pizza production, calculating water temperature, dough mixing and handling
Theory: Dough chemistry, recipe for Classic Italian Pizza, and introduction to yeast
Practical: Dough mixing, dividing and handling; dough stretching, topping and baking
Theory: Written examination of theory covered in first two days, dough maturation, water properties and salt
Practical: Focused training on wood, gas, and electric ovens, direct and indirect dough preparation using various types of mixers, dough stretching, topping and baking
Theory: Alternate grains and mixing dough with various types of flour, malt and fats
Practical: Direct and indirect dough preparation using various types of mixers, dough stretching, topping and baking
Theory: Review and discussion, final exam
Practical: Dough stretching, topping and baking, comparing the organoleptic qualities of various doughs
Running lunch service – hand stretching doughs and running ovens starting at 12pm.
Presentation of Certificates
We have special corporate rates for a number of area hotels. If you are in need of a hotel please inquire by emailing our Culinary Director at